Content Disclaimer

This content disclaimer was translated from the German version by Google Translator. It is available at this link. In case of any discrepancies in the translations, the German version of the content disclaimer shall prevail.

Although the authors of the content take every care to ensure the correctness of the information published, no guarantee can be given with regard to the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, and completeness of this information.

All offers are non-binding. More is Possible expressly reserves the right to change, delete or temporarily not publish content in whole or in part at any time without notice. More is Possible also does not guarantee that this website is free of viruses or other harmful software (malware).

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References and Links

References and links to third-party websites are outside the responsibility of More is Possible. Access and use of such websites is at the user’s own risk. More is Possible expressly declares that it has no influence on the design, content and offers of the linked pages. Information and services from linked websites are entirely the responsibility of the respective third party.

It rejected any responsibility for such websites.

Copyright and Usage Rights

The copyright and all other rights to this website and its contents such as photos, graphics, video material, texts, and designs (the “contents”) lie solely with More is Possible or the specifically named rights holders.

The content published by More is Possible on this website may only be used for your own use. Any reproduction or distribution of the content to third parties beyond this is not permitted. Downloading or copying content, images, photos, or other content does not transfer any rights.

It is not permitted to use electronically provided More is Possible services in a way that could impair, overburden or damage More is Possible's infrastructure or that interferes with other users' use of the More is Possible website. In particular, it is expressly prohibited to download or process data from the More is Possible website using web robots (crawlers) or other automated processes.

Place of Jurisdiction and applicable Law

In the event of any disputes, the ordinary courts at the registered office of More is Possible have exclusive jurisdiction.

Swiss substantive law applies, subject to any deviating mandatory provisions.