"More is Possible" - we are convinced of it!

About us...

We are united by a common fate - a spinal cord injury - with unique journeys and distinct challenges. It is this diversity of experiences that reinforces our convinction that more can be done - no, must be done!

Founders More is Possible

Hugo Baeriswyl


  • born: November 18, 1994
  • place of residence: Geneva, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):

  • spinal cord injury from a diving accident on August 7, 2020
  • quadriplegic C4/C5
  • initially ASIA A complete / then ASIA B incomplete

My life before the accident:

  • pushing the limits of my body: karate, skiing, climbing, trail running…
  • adventurer at heart, always ready to explore the world!
  • fascinated by international relations, on the way to a diplomatic career

The accident changed for me:

  • my personal and professional priorities and ambitions
  • my motivation: rehabilitation is my new fight
  • my mission: improving the situation of people with spinal cord injuries

My motivation to participate in MiP:

  • share my experiences to improve the rehabilitation system
  • improve access to information and knowledge
  • bringing together different stakeholders and uniting our strengths

My medium and/or long-term personal goals:

  • enjoy life, my family and my friends!
  • make my accident a strength and an opportunity to be a better person
  • strenghten the community and create an infrastructure allowing better therapeutic care

Philipp Rüf


  • born and raised in Dornbirn (Austria)
  • married
  • place of residence: Rorschacherberg, Canton of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):

  • injury due to a swimming accident
  • quadriplegic C7/C8
  • ASIA A, complete

My life before the accident:

  • studied international economics in Vienna (where I also met my wife)
  • several years of experience in the telecommunications industry with a focus on strategy, business development, sales and marketing
  • entrepreneur, investor and consultant in various industries
  • further information on professional development according to information in the LinkedIn profile
  • after 13 intensive years in Vienna, I went to Liechtenstein and Switzerland with my wife and enjoyed my free time with friends, family and mainly mountain sports

The accident changed for me:

  • realized who and what is really important in life
  • reorganization of the entire life
  • defining new goals and visions in private and business life

My motivation to participate in MiP:

  • creation of a central knowledge platform for the SCI community that pushes the boundaries of what is possible and helps to massively improve the situation after initial rehabilitation
  • creating a mindset of realistic hope and optimism that will one day lead to a cure of spinal cord injuries
  • stronger together: together we are building a large community that provides a strong voice for the concerns of those affected
  • building bridges: we bring together the various actors from science, medicine, companies and associations to support the best possible further development

My medium and/or long-term personal goals:

  • finding better balance in life and prioritizing projects that create value and meaning for others and myself
  • making the most of the status quo and trying to improve as much as possible

Romano Seglias


  • "Grisoner"- with a hard skull and a soft heart...
  • born and raised in Domat/Ems (Switzerland)
  • married, father2+1
  • place of residence: Domat/Ems, Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):

  • injury due to a bike accident on June 21, 2020
  • quadriplegic, initially motor sub C4 / later motor sub C6
  • ASIA initial C, incomplete / in the course of ASIA C, incomplete

My life before the accident:

  • constantly looking for a (good) balance between family, job, friends and free time/hobbies
  • business economist, business/IT, IT sourcing in the financial industry (banks/insurance), business development, strategy development, (executive) mentoring/coaching and investor in various industries - further information on professional development according to information in the LinkedIn profile
  • sport: skiing, biking, golf, hiking, diving - but everything in a healthy amount ;-) - good food and good wine

The accident changed for me:

  • priorities in life
  • even greater appreciation from family and friends
  • realization that one has to live life in the here and now and that important things cannot be postponed

My motivation to participate in MiP:

  • support in the implementation and further development of the initial ideas - from the idea to reality
  • bringing in my personal skills and competencies as well as using my personal business network
  • benefit from the MiP activities to improve the personal situation, with a primary focus on nerve pain and spasticity

My medium and/or long-term personal goals:

  • life happens here and now
  • improvement of the personal pain and spasticity situation
  • finding a way back into a working environment
  • increase public awareness of the social inclusion of people with disabilities
  • promote and demand further development of the Swiss (health) system from its current position of strength

Simon Züst


  • place of residence: Eich, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI):

  • accident
  • paraplegic, Sub T4 Motor, Sub T5 Sensory
  • ASIA A, complete

My life before the accident:

  • much sport
  • always on the move
  • in love with life

The accident changed for me:

  • just a little bit of exercise, but a lot of ABT training and other therapies, to achieve the best possible recovery
  • still moving
  • a different view of our (health) system

My motivation to participate in MiP:

  • I see great potential for people with spinal cord injuries and other neurological diseases to recover better and thereby achieve a better quality of life
  • there is a great need for change in the (health) system that would help everyone affected/involved
  • that's worth fighting for

My medium and/or long-term personal goals:

  • to make my personal recovery from my spinal cord injury as successful as possible by gaining more knowledge and motivation
  • supporting the community in making the necessary changes that lead to better recovery and therefore a better quality of life for every individual affected by SCI and their families