
Your donations play a vital role in implementing our mission. They directly fund the expansion of our platform, allowing us to create new and valuable content for the spinal cord injury community. 


Join us in making a meaningful impact by donating today!

Donate via donation registration and subsequent bank transfer...

In order to avoid the deduction of processing fees for payment transactions via credit/debit cards, Postcard or Twint (further below), we offer the registration of a donation via a web form at this point. This registration must then be completed via bank transfer using the QR payment slip provided below (download).


If you prefer to donate via credit/debit card, Postcard or Twint, skip the following form and make your donation directly below under "Donate using credit/debit card, Postcard or Twint..."

Download QR payment slip

Please download the QR payment slip (PDF or JPG file) for the bank transfer here:

MiP - QR ES only E
application/pdf 3 KB
MiP - QR invoice A4 E
application/pdf 4 KB
MiP - QR ES only E
image/jpeg 41 KB

Bank details

Raiffeisenbank Sempachersee-Rottal Süd 
Zentrum Sagi/PO Box 24, 6207 Nottwil

IBAN: CH72 8080 8008 2464 6748 5 
Clearing no: 80808 

Donate using a credit/debit card, Postcard or Twint...

Thank you very much!

We would like to thank you very much for your donation - you will enable us to achieve the goals of our mission step by step.

Tax exemption

The “More is Possible” association is registered as a non-profit association in the canton of Lucerne and is tax-exempt as such. Donations to the association can be deducted from taxes. The corresponding certificate from the Canton of Lucerne for the “More is Possible” association can be downloaded from the following links (in German only):

  • Certificate "Bescheinigung 09.04.2023 - 31.12.2025" as PDF Document
  • Certificate "Bescheinigung 09.04.2023 - 31.12.2025" as JPG File

The certificate is initially limited to December 31, 2025.

The entry on the corresponding list in the Canton of Lucerne can also be viewed on the Excel list, which can be accessed via this link.